28 mars 2008
You win some, you lose some...
26 mars 2008
On indian grounds...
Ok, now the updates are coming all at once, found a way to make posting a bit more hazzle-free. I can upload a load of pictures o flickr.com and then use them on this blog releaving me of the teadious task of uploading pics one by one on blogspot, if i only could come up with a way to get the pictures to picasa instead I would really be going somwhere.
Anyway, Mike and I went to a nearby Indian reservation Mike mostly to accompany me and see something different but I went for the Gambling =) The Kah-Nee-Ta indian tribe is running a Casino on their premises. And on saturdays at 4:30pm they have a $37+5 with $10 bounty added per person (if you take somenone out of the tournament you get 10 bucks from the casino)
Its really fun playing live poker in a casino it gives a lot more to the game compared to sitting in front of a computer. I really love the Casinoenvironment and has always done. And you always meet some characters at those cheaper games. Last year I played one tournament in California and got 8 of a starting field of 110 something players I got about 120 bucks that time. This time my goal was to beat that. When we arrived, in the last minute, the registration was closed when i registered, there where 22 player with top three places paid 1st $407 2nd $244 3rd $163. So if i was gonna beat my old record winnings a top three is enogh =)
The lanscape changes quickly 30minutes from the massive snow in mt hood we're out of the forest and entering the desert.
Its pretty Cowboy out here
straight ahead...
Im concentrated at getting to the tournament in time, just keeping the speed above 60mph and it should be good
Beautiful creek along the road looks like John Wayne andcompany could be anywhere around.
We cant stop here... this is indian country.
Finally a place where the old indians can fleece the white man for some money to repay a tiny bit for the horrible landstealing that went on in the old days
Mike has a birdsview of the blackjacktables.
Its all about being there long enogh...
...and at the right machine
Overview of the main floor in the casino
Mike didnt join the tournament and instead sat and enjoyed the free drinks in the poker room, root beer is not good...
Shuffle up and deal. 22 players 11 at each table
Down to the final table..
Four players to go 3 places paid who will be the bubbleboy?
In the money!! Discussing a deal with the other players but no agreement and we play for the big bucks
Down to two now, im chipleader so looking good we didnt split the money.
All in the next hand, I went in as favourite and it held up. Good to win =)
Biggest win (yet) in my livepoker career $447 with the four bountys i picked up.
24 mars 2008
Leaving Golden for USA
By all means of a timeline this post should've been uploaded before the Hawaii-trip. But we didn't get the pictures from the trip sorted until now. So enjoy these until next update.
Just outside of golden 1400kms to go...
First stop Whistler Creekside were we slept with the boys and girls in Vale inn #305 thanks a bunch dudes cya in a couple weeks
Mike is happy when driving through Vancouver
Mike was so happy in the last pic he forgot to change lanes... We did a timelapse of the scenic hwy 99 from whistler to vancouver or really, mike did his camera has waaay to many butons and dials for me.
The concrete/glass architectural marvel of downtown Vancouver, as well as any other big city. impressive and ugly at the same time
At the gates of freedom... Soon enogh we will be in the land of the free and home of the brave, just a terryfing passportcontrol between us and us.
The bordercrossing went fine 30min and then we were in. A high-speed drive for a couple of hours and we arrived at this fine 17buck a night lodging in the next vancouver. This Vancouver is just north of Portland.
We even got free wireless internet If snaking it from another fancyer motel... But holding the computer exacly at that angle I could call home to sweden for a couple of minutes.
We went past a load of funny places but this one we guessed werent one of them... Update: when going home from hawaii we took the road through boring and well, it wasnt Funny thats for sure.
Finally closing in on our goal. just 30mins left of our journey. Mt Hood is the Volcano straight ahead.
The Cascade Ski Club our home for the next couple of weeks. Notice the snow I am 180cm.
Same stair im walking towards earlier in the season
Inside, nice livingroom, TV with acouple of hundred channels (doesnt say much about the quality though)
Our Sleeping beds, where we sleep, mine the first to the right. Mikes to the left.
One side off the road in Government camp, about one tenth of the population in Golden a whooping 314 persons live here
The other side of the road, and thats about all there is to Govy Camp
The road to the skihill Mt Hood Meadows, one of five resorts at Mt Hood. The snow actually covered the exit sign so we missed it and had to u-turn back.
Finally at Mt Hood Meadows, now im the happy camper. in the background is our grey King Cab, not very king at all compared to the beasts that pass us on the interstate 5 all the time.
These handrails are depicted in a whole load of ski-/boardmovies.
Mikes one week Hawaii-vacation luggage, oh yes almost forgot a pro-grade Hi-Def solid-state Camcorder
Got some more snow. about 15-20cm
Yeah lots of snow, best season in 30 years the locals say.
Good old 2 seat slow as syrup liftequipment
Plenty of time for a photoshoot.
Mike the photographer, doing a selfportrait
Before we left to hawaii the parks and pipe werent really as good as expected but now its shaped like a dream, just some practise and the dumont altitude will be there =)